Who needs COVERT

To get an approximate idea of the number eager to get as much information about their competitors, employees, colleagues, husband/wife, children and friends you will be able if you type in Google search only two queries: «keylogger» and “spyware”.

If we sum the number of these requests, we find that about 470,000 attempts per month to find spyware take the people around us. All these questions are related to the desire to spy for someone. And they want to do it secretly, without the knowledge of the person sitting at the computer.

Do you think of your surroundings no such curious? Possible. “Blessed are those who believe.”
Maybe you think that antivirus or antispyware protects you from screenshoting or interception of keyboard input? If yes, then read an article about testing these classic remedies and you will be disappointed.

For those who do not fall into this category, we offer to do your work on the computer is protected from prying eyes. COVERT gives you something that is natural for each of us – the right to privacy in cyberspace. You have a right to ensure that your information would be unavailable to others without your permission. It does not matter who it is – a relative, your friend, colleague, or a stranger.

Download the program COVERT Pro and FREE check your computer for spyware.

Watch the video lesson “Presentation of the program” and evaluate the functionality of the COVERT Pro.

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