Surveillance at work

One-third of employees feel that they are being watched at work. This conclusion was made by researchers of recruitment companies. Moreover, confidence in this increases with the increase of the employee’s position in the hierarchy of the organization.

As a rule, the control of the employer begins immediately after the interview – more than 50% of HR managers check user accounts in social networks. And in case of receiving a job control usually only increases.

And it is not only control the use of proprietary information and security policies in the framework of BYOD. Leadership often showing increased interest in the privacy of staff, taking action is not related to the main job. In addition to standard software they install program for tracking all employee activities. These spies working secretly and monitor keyboard input, captures images from the screen, write down the visited web pages. All the data is generated in the form of reports and sent to management.

Such an intrusion on private land within the corporate control often ends unpleasant conversation (more than 60% of cases), and almost 10% of cases – dismissal.

In some cases, surveillance is carried out not by management, but colleagues – to collect compromising material for the purpose of competition. Awkwardly worded phrases or visited online resource with a dubious reputation can lead to job loss or other unpleasant consequences that can negatively affect your career.

The situation is clear, when an employee received a written warning about monitoring of all his actions and signed it. But what if you were not warned?

There is a simple and reliable way out of this situation – masking method. It allows you to pretend that you do not know about surveillance at work, and to hide your work on the computer.